MAD Annual Fund

MAD Annual Fund 

The MAD Annual Fund supports our mission of scholarship, diversity, and inclusion by providing competitive salaries for faculty, educational resources for a vigorous and challenging learning experience, and tuition assistance for qualifying families.

100% of Madeleine families have supported the MAD Annual Fund for the past 9 years! This high level of engagement reflects a caring and supportive parent community that lives our school motto – Be Good to One Another and Pass It On!

The generosity of our alumni families, parishioners, grandparents, & friends makes a lasting impact on our students and families.   Your gifts change lives!

All donations are tax deductible.

Giving Circles

Veritas Circle                 $10,000 +

Dominican Circle          $5,000 – $9,999 

Madeleine Circle         $2,500 – $4,999

 Mother Pia Circle       $1,000 – $2,499

Patron Circle                $500 – $999 

Angel Circle                 $499 & below 


“The special community that exists at the School of the Madeleine doesn’t happen by accident. It takes caring teachers, strong school leadership, active and engaged parents, and fundraising to make it all possible. We donate to the MAD Annual Fund to keep this community vibrant for our kids and future Madeleine families.”

~Brian & Ashley Kozel

“As a Catholic community, our mission is to serve our students and families.  Thank you for partnering with the School of the Madeleine to honor our commitment together.” – Joseph Nagel, Principal


  1. Why Do We Need an Annual Fund?Tuition covers most, but not all, of the cost to educate students.  We rely on our annual fund to provide the best possible education for all students while maintaining financially accessible tuition for our families.


  1. What does the  MAD Annual Fund support:
  • Competitive compensation for faculty recruitment & retention
  • Innovative and rigorous academic programs
  • Cutting-edge technology to assist all types of learners
  • Maintain and improve our beautiful classrooms and outdoor spaces


  1. Matching Funds: Many companies offer a matching fund program to double your gift! Please contact your employer’s Human Resources department to inquire about matching opportunities.
  • School of the Madeleine Tax ID # 94-2955397 
  • School contact:  Danielle Amick, Bookkeeper (510-526-4744)

Outright gifts can include cash, Visa, or Mastercard. The School of the Madeleine is a 501c(3) and all cash gifts are tax-deductible up to the maximum of 50% of your adjusted gross income. Donate now using our secure giving portal Click & Pledge.

Corporate matching gifts can double or even triple your gifts to the Madeleine. Click here for a list of Bay Area matching fund companies. If your company is unlisted, your Human Resources department can provide you with instructions on how to process a match – it usually takes five minutes to fill out a form. If you designate the Madeleine for a matching fund gift please let us know so we can link your name to the business donation!

Memorial or honorary gifts can be made to honor a loved one, or commemorate a significant event. Families of those honored will be sent notification of the donor’s gift. All gifts are tax deductible and will be acknowledged in our donor report.

Gifts of stock or other appreciated property offer two-fold tax savings. Donors pay no capital gains on increased value of the appreciated property and receive an income tax deduction for the full market value at the time of the gift.

Transferring securities is easy, but to ensure proper tax credit and accurate processing of your stock donation, please contact the Advancement Office for a transfer form or more information.

If you are 70-1/2 or older, you can contribute the Minimum Required Distribution (up to $100,000 per year) from your Individual Retirement Account to the School of the Madeleine tax-free. The money must be transferred, via your IRA check or through your IRA’s administrator, to the Oakland Diocese to qualify as tax-exempt, and please don’t forget to list the School of the Madeleine as the beneficiary. Please let us know to expect your gift; otherwise the funds may arrive without your name.

Come visit us on a school tour! Call 510-526-4744 to schedule.